Bazuru - Word of Mouth Marketing Tool


The Psychology Behind Referrals and Why They Work

What is it about human nature that compels us to share when being selfish seems like a more direct line to owning more things? The reason is we are social beings. Learn what parts of our psyche compel us to share.

Learn From the Best on How to Do Word of Mouth

Word of mouth has been around as long as we have been able to communicate. With such a long history, it suggests there are many valuable lessons out there to learn from. See how Zappos, Airbnb, and CrossFit found great success through word of mouth.

Introducing Bazuru Beta – The Word-of-Mouth Marketing Tool

We are proud to announce the launch of Bazuru’s Beta version!! After countless meetings and reaching out to business owners left and right, we have found our key focus on improving your word of mouth. We are overflowing with excitement to bring the value of Bazuru’s service to you.